Hip osteoarthritis is a disease called coxarthrosis. The insidiousness of the disease is that it varies imperceptibly for a long time.
Symptoms may not alert the patient for more than two years, until they gradually worsen and force him to see a doctor.
Symptomatology is divided into 3 stages, depending on severity.
Symptoms of the disease
The main symptom is pain in the joints while walking. Because it is chronic, coxarthrosis sometimes gets worse - and then the pain becomes more pronounced. The localization is often in the groin area, on the outside of the thigh, anterior surface, and resonates in the knee or buttocks. The pain causes a change in gait as the patient adjusts, trying to avoid the pain. This can lead (especially in advanced cases) to shortening of the leg. Let's look at the symptoms of osteoarthritis in more detail.
Attention!The disease mainly affects women.
Osteoarthritis of the hip joint - 1st degree
It is characterized by mild excruciating pain that occurs after significant physical exertion, mostly running or prolonged walking. The pain passes quickly after rest, without disturbing the dynamics of movement, therefore it does not cause wakefulness in the patient. X-rays show small bone changes - growth that does not exceed the articular lip.
Osteoarthritis of the hip joint - stage 2
The pain becomes more intense, localized in the joint, radiates to the groin and thigh, occurs even at rest. The work of the joint is weakened, long walking causes lameness. Abduction and internal rotation of the hip are limited, and the muscles that allow abduction and extension of the hip become weaker.
Osteoarthritis of the hip joint - grade 3
Pain in coxarthrosis torments the patient constantly, and occurs even at night. The muscles of the legs (thighs, lower legs) and buttocks atrophy, their volume decreases, while a cane is needed when walking. This leads to shortening of the extremities, the patient is forced to stand on his toes, leaning forward. In grade 3 disease, the painful feelings are often stronger in the knee than in the groin or thighs, so the doctor may make a mistake with the diagnosis.
Causes of the disease
There are many reasons for coxarthrosis. Consider the main:
- Excessive stress on the joint, its injuries, especially common in athletes.
- Hereditary diseases. These include congenital hip dislocations, hip dysplasia and others.
- Hereditary predisposition. Despite the fact that coxarthrosis is not genetically transmitted, a child can inherit a weak skeleton or structural characteristics of cartilage tissue from a relative.
- Arthritis, even if cured, can cause osteoarthritis of the hip joint.
- Chronic stress and long-term experiences, scientists say, have an extremely negative effect on joint health.
- Infarction (aseptic necrosis) of the hip joint leads to circulatory disorders.
- Changes in hormonal level, diabetes mellitus, loss of sensitivity of the lower limbs in nervous diseases.
Important!Significantly increases the risk of developing obesity. In 5-10% of cases, this leads to the development of the disease.
Treatment with folk remedies

Apiproducts have established themselves as an effective treatment for many internal diseases. It is not surprising that bees can also help with joint deformity - bee venom has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, normalizes the mobility of diseased joints, relieves swelling and prevents deterioration. Mostly bee stings are used, which are prescribed only by an expert. Therapy starts with one bite, but usually the result is visible after the first procedure. The poison acts at the site of inflammation and helps the body fight infection on its own. In addition, it will help deal with other bodily problems - eliminating infections, restoring the nervous system and stopping the aging of the body.
Mud Treatment
Mud wraps give positive results as adjunctive therapy. The efficiency of heated mud is higher, so it is recommended to heat up to 40 degrees before use. On the damaged joint, apply a mud cake (clay diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 7) and fix it with a sheet, gauze and heat it on top with a towel. The duration of the procedure is 30 minutes. Rinse it with warm water and let it rest for half an hour. Apply compresses at least once a day for a month.
The following types of dirt are used:
- sludge;
- peat;
- sapropel.
Gelatin treatment
Gelatin is a natural substance used by mankind for centuries. Its main advantage is that it is not only useful, but also completely safe.
Attention!Gelatin helps to improve the condition of the hair, eliminate dryness and hair loss, as well as increase the functionality of the whole body. To heal the hair, it is enough to dilute the powder with cold water and let it boil, dilute it in equal proportions with shampoo.
What are the benefits of gelatin for joints? It contains amino acids that add elasticity to the joints and slow down (or completely stop) their destructive changes. In terms of chemical composition, gelatin is collagen and contains almost 90% protein, and protein foods are especially useful for joint problems.

Patients taking gelatin report a reduction in the pathological process and the intensity of joint pain, which allows them to move more freely. Of course, it can not be considered the main type of treatment, but in combination with other measures it is very effective.
How to make gelatin:
- Pour a teaspoon of powder with half a glass of cold water (pre-boiled).
- Leave to infuse - it should swell.
- In the morning, add hot water to one cup and stir in a teaspoon of honey for sweetness and added effect.
- After mixing, take the gelatin still warm, in the morning on an empty stomach.
- Course: 10 days of treatment / 10 days break for 3 months.
Treatment of leeches
Hirudotherapy (or treatment with leeches) gives positive results in the initial stages of the disease - I and II. The advantage of a leech bite is that its saliva contains enzymes, the action of which corresponds to the effect of drugs injected into the periarticular area. In addition, leeches improve blood flow in the area of the damaged joint.
In stage III coxarthrosis, the use of leeches removes nocturnal joint pain and resting pain. In the postoperative period, the recovery of damaged muscles and joints is accelerated.
Procedures are performed in an interval of 2-6 days, the course includes 6-8 sessions. During the session, 4 to 8 medicinal leeches are used. Already after 4 sessions, a noticeable improvement is noticed, but the maximum effect is achieved approximately 2 weeks after the end of the course of hirudotherapy.
Prescriptions of traditional medicine are often the only way to eliminate a serious illness. Herbs are applied locally and internally. Some of them even help with grade III coxarthrosis.

Recipe # 1:
- You will need lemon (3 pcs. ), celery (250 g), garlic (120 g).
- Grind the ingredients, put in a 3 liter jar, pour over boiling water and heat with a blanket, leaving overnight.
- Take the drug in the morning, 70 g daily, half an hour before meals, for three months. Banks are often enough for one month.
Stir and consume one glass every day for a month.
Attention!Before consuming lemon, make sure that stomach acid is not too acidic - citrus fruits increase it.
Recipe # 2. Take 3 lemons, finely chop them together with the peel, pour over boiling water (three liters) and leave to cool completely, then dissolve 3 tbsp. l. linden honey.
Tip! If your tendons and muscles are pulling, you can prepare celandine oil. Take 8 tbsp. l. flowers and stems of the plant, chop them and pour with 1 liter of olive oil. Let the oil stand in a warm place for 2 weeks. When it is poured, strain it and rub it into the painful areas by isolating them with a warm cloth.
Lapping for joint pain
Take equal proportions of iodine, glycerin, alcohol and flower honey. After 2-3 hours the medicine will be ready. You need to use it by applying it on a cotton swab and rubbing it thoroughly into the skin in the area of the sore joint. It is necessary to lubricate the skin from the bottom up, with the flow of lymph and blood. The effectiveness of lapping will be higher if the tissues surrounding the area of inflammation are further lubricated - this will improve blood circulation and make the disease go away.
Cabbage wrap will reduce pain in an injured joint. You will need a head of cabbage from which you need to separate a few large and fresh leaves before bed. Lubricate the area of inflammation with flower honey and fasten the cabbage, then fix it with a plastic bag and insulate with a towel or handkerchief. In the morning, rinse the remaining honey and repeat the procedure. You need to walk with the wrap until evening. Repeat the procedure for a month.

Peppermint ointment for joint pain.
Chop 50 g of mint leaves and eucalyptus with a knife, then add 50 ml of aloe juice.
Mix the ingredients and lubricate sore joints 3 times a day.
Non-surgical treatment
Sometimes patients come to the doctor with an extremely advanced stage of coxarthrosis. In this case, it is almost impossible to help them without surgery. However, medical practice shows that regular therapeutic exercises and the appointment of certain drugs can not only reduce the manifestations of the disease, but also almost completely eliminate them.
Treatment in this case is purely individual and consists, in addition to gymnastics, in taking drugs that strengthen bones. If the joint can still be saved, it makes sense to prescribe medications to restore cartilage.
There are a number of alternative methods to help with coxarthrosis:
- Manual therapy.
- Applied kinesiology (mobile therapy).
- Hardware towing joints.
- Pulling joints without apparatus (postisometric relaxation).
The following groups of drugs help in making this diagnosis.
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Despite the fact that they do not cure the disease itself, these drugs can effectively eliminate pain and reduce severe inflammation. Their constant intake is not recommended due to the harmful effects on the organism.
Chondroprotectors, unlike NVPs, not only alleviate symptoms, but also affect disease. They restore the structure of cartilage, improve the formation of joint fluid. However, they don’t work right away - it will take at least 2-3 courses to achieve positive results.Attention! Chondroprotectors can only help in the early stages of the disease.
Muscle relaxants (muscle relaxants) are good for relieving cramps in the muscles surrounding inflamed tissue. They are effective in combination with traction of the joints and chondroprotectors, because if you do not start to repair the joint itself, the relief of cramps can lead to its accelerated destruction.
Tip!The doctor claims that oxidative muscles rarely help to significantly improve the patient's condition, because their appointment is not always justified.
Vasodilators. They increase blood circulation in the joint, which contributes to its faster recovery, and at the same time reduces pain, relieves vasospasm and improves joint nutrition. For a start, the tablets are taken one by one, but after a few days, if there are no side effects, they switch to the method of administration recommended by the doctor.

Injections are injected directly into the joint or periarticular tissue. However, most often the injection is not made into the lumen of the damaged joint, but into the periarticular tissue, because there is a great danger of exaggeration and damage to the nerve endings.
- Corticosteroid hormones are given to relieve pain.
- The introduction of chondroprotectors through the thigh is very useful (2-3 courses per year are conducted).
- Hyaluronic acid, an artificial lubrication of the joints, must be injected into the lumen of the joint, which is very difficult to enter, so the treatment gives only a 30% positive effect.
Fats that are not always up to the wrist are not so effective - the process of rubbing into the fat itself often gives a positive effect, replacing a light massage. You need to rub the ointment with clean hands for 15 minutes. circular and spiral movements from bottom to top until a feeling of warmth appears.
The composition of fats is different - they can be plant raw materials, bee and snake venom, bovine cartilage extract. Fats with honey or mustard and other warming components in the composition will be good. You can even prepare such funds yourself. Fats also have an analgesic effect.
Therapeutic gymnastics is very effective in the initial stages of the disease, and sometimes proves effective even in advanced cases. The main purpose of the exercise is to develop the affected joint and strengthen the nearby muscles. If discomfort occurs in the thigh area after gymnastics, the massage should be reported in order to minimize the discomfort.
Important!During gymnastics, do not strain the joint - turn off its axial load, as this can worsen the condition. Also try not to make sudden and deep movements.

There are a number of exercises that are important to do regularly - in this case the result will be really noticeable.
Here are some exercises.
- I. str - stands. Grasp the support with both hands and slowly do a half squat 10 times.
- I. str - stands. Transfer your body weight to a healthy leg and support yourself with your hand on the same side (table or chair back). Slowly swing back and forth with a sore foot.
- I. p. - lying on your stomach. Put your hands on your hips and alternately raise your straight legs.
- I. p. - stand firmly on both feet and lean on the support with both hands. Get up on your toes and lower your heels to the floor. Perform - 10 times.
The set of exercises consists of three series and is performed slowly but surely for an hour. It is necessary to perform the exercises correctly.
Proper nutrition is one of the keys to success in any disease, including osteoarthritis. Here are some products that will help regenerate cartilage tissue and do not cause weight gain:
- low fat milk and fermented milk products;
- lean meat and fish; buckwheat;
- beans, lentils.
- Fats are essential for normal metabolism. Prefer unrefined vegetable oils and butter oils, fish oils or shark oils.
- Carbohydrates fill the body with energy. It is better to eat complex carbohydrates (vegetables, fruits) than simple ones, which include sugar and other sweets.
- Minerals and vitamins are found in foods such as baked potatoes, bananas, nuts, eggs, chicken, whole grain breads.
Doctors advise not to consume more than 1 teaspoon of salt a day, to give up preservatives, smoked meat and other harmful foods rich in fats.
Tip!Water is life. For coxarthrosis, drink plenty of water - up to two liters a day.
Prevention consists of an active lifestyle, proper diet, avoiding excessive stress on the joints (which athletes often abuse). Be healthy!